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Frequently asked questions

How can counselling help?People seek counselling for many different reasons and at different stages in their lives. They may be experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety, isolation, or low self-esteem preventing them from fully engaging in life. They may feel overcome by grief or anger or overwhelmed by the pressure of life and feel unable to cope. Some people struggle with relationships and are confused as to why they react or feel the way that they do in certain situations, or they are facing a life-changing event and need some support to navigate their way through. For other people it may be memories or traumatic experiences from the past that are impacting them through nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks or other body symptoms. Having a safe, neutral space to talk about your thoughts and to express your feelings with someone that you can trust can be hugely beneficial. Talking to a counsellor is different to talking to a friend or family member who might be tempted to offer you advice which may be unhelpful. You may also hold back on sharing your real concerns for fear of worrying or burdening them. I will listen to you in an open, non-judgmental way without expectation or criticism, offering you the opportunity to be heard and understood. This in turn can bring clarity and possibility for change, helping you to feel calmer, more positive and in control of your life. However, you are feeling today and whatever situation you find yourself in, I genuinely believe there is always hope that things can be different. Together we can find a way through to a brighter more hopeful future.
How long does a counselling session last?Your counselling session with me lasts 60 minutes and usually take place weekly on the same day, at the same time, creating consistency and stability. 90-minute sessions are available if required and this is something that we would agree on together.
How many sessions will I need?How many sessions you need will depend on the nature of the issue you bring. Short-term counselling can help you improve your life right now by working on immediate issues and sometimes this is all that is needed to get ‘back on track’. Longer-term counselling will involve you exploring your past, helping you understand both yourself and how different situations and relationships are affecting you today, as well as working on what you would like to change. If we decide to work together, I will encourage you to commit to six sessions with me before reviewing together. We may then choose to work on an open-ended basis regularly reviewing where we are in the counselling process. I ask for a minimum of two weeks' notice to finish therapy so that we can work towards a healthy, managed ending.
How do I get started?By visiting my website, you have already taken the first step towards getting help and support. If what you have read resonates with you and you would like to explore further with me, I warmly invite you to contact me by submitting an enquiry on my web page to arrange a free 15-20 minute exploratory call. This gives us a chance to get a sense of each other and for you to ask anything you would like to know about the process and to discuss any practical issues. Counselling is a big commitment and investment and there is no obligation for you to enter therapy with me should you choose to do this, in fact the most important thing is that you find a therapist you like and feel comfortable with.
What will happen at the first session?The initial session is the beginning of our working relationship and an opportunity for both of us to get to know one another better. I will invite you to share as much as feels comfortable about what it is that is bringing you to counselling, explore what changes you would like to make and explain further how we might work together. You may still have questions that you would like to ask me, and I would invite you to raise them.
Where do sessions take place?I work out of my home in Walthamstow, London E17 and offer both in-person sessions (within school hours) and online sessions via Zoom.
Is online therapy as good as in-person therapy?The most important factor for successful therapy has been proven to be the therapeutic relationship. Research has repeatedly confirmed that online therapy is as effective at creating and maintaining the relationship and the work, as in-person therapy. I have invested in training to work effectively and safely online, and have come to appreciate the many benefits of working in this way. These include: It is convenient and saves on travel time and costs. It can be accessed wherever you have a safe space and internet connection/phone network, even from your car. You can access therapy whatever the weather (or your child-minding arrangements). There is greater flexibility with online therapy. It can feel easier to talk online from the comfort of your chosen space. Location of your therapist is less of an important factor. Since lockdown you may have become more familiar and comfortable with online platforms. Online platforms are relatively simple to use and I will support you where possible in managing this.
What do I need for online sessions?When working online you will need a safe, secure and confidential space where you feel comfortable to talk. I would encourage the use of headphones for a greater sense of connection and privacy, and invite you to bring a warm drink or glass of water to our sessions. You will also need a computer, laptop, iPad or smartphone in order to access Zoom (a free and secure video platform), along with good internet connection - enough to stream YouTube or Netflix. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom. I will provide guidance and instructions on how to use it prior to us working together. If you would prefer just audio contact, we can discuss the option of speaking by phone. I will ask you to have paper and coloured pens at hand, giving the opportunity for creative work during our sessions.
Are our sessions confidential?Yes, our sessions are completely confidential - although there are a few exceptions where I am legally bound to share information. These relate to if you are at risk of serious harm to yourself or another person, or where drug trafficking, money laundering or acts of terrorism are disclosed. I have more information about this in my welcome pack (made available following our exploratory call). I will always discuss in advance the need to break confidentiality with you whenever possible. I take your privacy very seriously and I understand how important it is to you. Any information you share with me is kept secure and confidential, in line with GDPR (UK data privacy law) guidance. A copy of my Privacy Statement and Data Protection Agreement will be sent out to you in my welcome pack and I will happily discuss any questions you may have about your information. I am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and follow their advice on handling information.
Can I get in touch in between sessions?Contact between sessions (unless otherwise agreed) is for administrative purposes only. If you need to contact me, please email at If it is urgent, call me on my mobile number. If I am unable to take your call at the time, please leave a message for me and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. I do not operate an emergency therapy service. If you are in acute distress and need help urgently please contact: Your GP Your local Accident and Emergency (A&E) department Or call the Samaritans on 116 123.
What if I need to cancel or reschedule a session?I operate a 48-hour cancellation and rescheduling policy, which means that I will not charge a cancellation fee if you give at least 48 hours’ notice of non-attendance of a session. If you would like to reschedule, I will endeavour to find you an alternative session in the same week, but if this is not possible, then payment already made will be transferred to your next booked session. If you are unable to give 48 hours' notice, or miss the session without giving notice, payment will be due in full. Exceptions will be considered in unpredictable and serious personal emergencies on a case-by-case basis.
Can I take a holiday break?Yes! It is totally acceptable for you to take a break. I simply ask that you give me advanced notice of any holiday leave you wish to take. I will also endeavour to give you as much notice as possible regarding planned breaks.
How do I pay for my sessions?Payment must be made via bank transfer. Bank details are included in my welcome pack. I kindly request that payment is made 48 hours prior to our session.

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